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The Periwinkle Puss is the principled purveyor of justice in his metropolis. With powerful pride he protects the poor and downtrodden from the parade of criminals that attempt to paint his city with their deeds of paltry nefariousness! Join him, dear reader, as he propels himself into the jaws of lawlessness with nothing to protect himself but his clenched paws and his passion for penalizing those who would do harm to others! Will the Periwinkle Puss’s quest to keep his city pure succeed? The answer to that can be found here on PerwinklePuss.com!

Feistypaw is the fearless and furious female fighting partner of The Periwinkle Puss! Feistypaw faces the frightening facade of criminals on the streets of their city with a firm fortitude that forces the criminals before her to flee their fiendish enterprises! The foul foes she fights in her battle for fairness know her as a fierce opponent who is a friend to all who would stand for rightfulness! Can Fesitypaw and The Periwinkle Puss keep the city from falling into the paws of nefarious evil doers? Find out here at PerwinklePuss.com!